Skagit Valley Meditation Classes - Meditar en Skagit Valley

Everyone Welcome!

In the Mt. Vernon / Burlington area, we offer classes both English and Spanish.

With Gen Kelsang Rinzin
Thursdays, 6:00 - 7:30pm

See below for the schedule.

Todos son bienvenidos!

En el Ɣrea de Mt. Vernon / Burlington, ofrecemos clases tanto de espaƱol como de inglƩs.

Con Kelsang Donsang and Javier Himenez
SƔbados, 6:00 - 7:30pm

Consulte a continuaciĆ³n el cronograma.


Events below...

Conflict or Compassion? A good heart always brings good results

Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:30pm

February 6 - February 27. 4 part series

Skagit Valley Community College, Lewis Hall rm 326

This is a free event. Donations happily accepted


Del Conflicto a la Compasion: Un buen corazon trae buenos resultados

Del Conflicto a la Compasion: Un buen corazon trae buenos resultados.
with Buddhist monk Kelsang Donsang
Thursdays in February - Feb 6,13, 20, 27
Skagit Valley College, Lewis Hall - sala 326.

Conflict is common and not comfortableĀ toĀ deal with, but when we approach disagreements with a good heart, we can often solve these problems and at the same time transform and repair the relationship. But even if this doesnā€™t work, at the very least we will have peace in our heart. In these classes, we will explore love andĀ compassionĀ as practicalĀ tools for solving our problems.

With authentic methods used for over 2500 years, problems from petty bickeringĀ toĀ long-standing animosity can dissolve away with a good heart. Classes are drop-in. Everyone is welcome any time.
"A rising tide lifts all boats."

Ā Thu, Feb 6 Finding common ground
Thu, Feb 13 Our common plight
Thu, Feb 20 Benefits ofĀ compassion
Thu, Feb 27 CompassionĀ for difficult people

Este es un evento gratuito. Se aceptan donaciones
